GET BACK TO the NATURal world

There are so many diets, fad diets, nutritionists, and wellness coaches teaching different things about what exactly it is we should be eating. It's easy to get lost with all of the conflicting information. If you can get past all of the supposed nutrition elements we are encouraged to eat, and just take a moment to get back to nature, you can begin to see that humans are the only species on the planet that have complicated our food requirements. Does any other species think about how many carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, etc. they are ingesting? Of course not. Then, why are we any different?

Food should be simple. The easiest foods to grab on the go are not from our most well-known fast-food establishments, but rather, the easiest foods grow on trees, and with no preparation required, you can just eat them! It’s amazing when you really think about it. And guess what, these foods taste like nature’s candy, and are jam packed with hydration and electricity your body can use. The foods we should be turning to are fruits and vegetables.


How many times do we hear that fruit is the enemy, to avoid it because it has too much sugar? Instead, we are pushed to eat proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates that our human design has a very difficult time digesting. The effect of these foods leaves an incredible amount of waste to build up throughout the entire body. Before you know it, we are dealing with one ailment after another, and eventually chronic disease.

Nature has given us the answer, and it’s always been right in front of our faces. Fruits and vegetables are the foods that not only heal the body, and allow the cleansing process to begin, but nourish us fully and are easily eliminated.

It doesn’t matter what your current condition is, what types of foods you are currently eating, there is a way to move back to our natural way. Through a slow transitioning process, away from the foods that are causing you harm, and into foods that will benefit your body, you CAN begin to cleanse and purify the body. The body has an unbelievable ability to heal and regenerate. It simply needs the chemistry from proper foods to do its job effectively.

don’t make it complicated

The easiest way to start eating better is to simply take a look at what you are currently eating, and what you’ve been eating throughout your life. What are your goals? Are you looking to clean the body and strive for health, wellness, and optimal vitality? Are you wanting to heal certain maladies in the body? If you are someone who takes your health into your own hands, then diet is one of the simplest ways to start feeling better.

The cleanest, easiest foods to eliminate, with optimal nutrients, are fruits and vegetables. However, it isn’t always that easy to jump into that kind of a diet if you are not used to it. If you are in relatively good health without any serious illness, then it might be easier for you.

On the other hand, if you are currently consuming a standard American diet with lots of animal products, including meat and dairy, processed foods, fast foods, and cooked starchy items, then you should look to transition slowly.

hydrate with food

Start simple. Fruits are loaded with hydration, the type of hydration that the body needs and utilizes. Eating your hydration is much better for you than eating processed dehydrated foods with no water content, which inevitably makes it much more difficult to eliminate. Just adding fruits into your diet on a regular basis and eating them without other foods, will be a major step in the right direction.

Fruits are simple sugars and digest faster than most other foods. So, eat them solo to avoid any unnecessary fermentation in your gut. Consider eating a bowl of fruit 20-30 minutes before consuming any other food group.

Fruit is also the easiest food to eat. There is very little preparation, just wash it, peel it and eat it! There is no need to become a masterful chef in the kitchen for this type of health food. This is truly the meaning of fast food! Isn’t it strange how far removed we are from our natural diet. We’re all running around waiting in drive thru lines for the latest processed feast. Imagine rolling through a drive thru where a platter of grapes is on the menu!

The bottom line is food doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s simple. Get excited about the simplicity and the changes you are trying to make. The more you love what you’re doing, the more successful your transition to a cleaner diet will be, and the better you will feel in your physical body.


Instead of reading every nutrition book you can get your hands on, just take a moment to look at nature. Look at the natural world all around us. Everything is right there and available to us. It is perfectly simple. Eating food that was grown from the Earth makes sense, no manual needed. Animals just graze all day, eating whatever natural food they can find. We are no different.

When you desire a change of diet, get back to the natural world. That can be much easier than trying to document everything you ate yesterday, counting the calories, looking at the nutritional elements, making sure you have this much calcium, this much protein, this much of every little mineral. That is exhausting! And, how do we really know any of it is correct. The information is always changing.

Get familiar with the produce section of your local marketplace. Entertain the bulk section instead of the pre-packaged processed items. The more you can add nature and the electrically charged living food items, the better off you will be. This doesn’t mean you need to only eat produce overnight. It simply means adding these items to your life can be incredibly beneficial. It is a starting point, and a way to utilize your own intuition to guide you on your path to a healthier diet.

acids vs. bases

Food is basic chemistry. You are either eating acidic foods or alkaline foods. The body likes to be around 7.0 on the pH scale, a balance between acidic and alkaline. If the body likes to be in balance, then why are most of the foods and drinks we are told to consume acidic? How does that make any sense? It doesn’t!

Think simply about how acid works in the body, it burns and can be down right painful! Look to incorporate as many alkalizing foods as you can to bring your body into a more balanced state. When you are consuming more alkaline foods than acidic, healing takes place and wastes are more easily eliminated.

There are many charts out there listing what are acid foods, and what are bases. If it helps you, find one and keep it handy. However, it’s fairly simple. Almost all produce, which is full of hydration is alkaline. Most processed foods, meats, dairy, and starches are acidic. Again, the simplicity is right in front of us.