At twenty-six years old, I had an unexpected and radical shift in consciousness that has spanned two decades. Without warning, a powerful surge of energy exploded up my spine and within my system that sent me on a journey into the complete unknown. My immediate thought after such a strange occurrence was, “WHAT WAS THAT?” This theme led me on a path I could have never created in my own wildest imagination. At the time of impact, this was a shock to my entire way of life, my physical nervous system, and the direction I thought I was headed. Little did I know I was about to embark on an unwanted trip down the rabbit hole of self-discovery and a completely new way of experiencing the world.


Throughout the years, I took notes, wrote down the extraordinary, insightful, and incredibly frightening things that were happening to me. At first, I naturally sought answers from doctors and alternative practitioners, all of which could do nothing to explain my strange physical sensations, symptoms, and expansive experiences. It’s a very uncomfortable place to be when no one can help you, or offer any solution. Most people would simply stare at me, perplexed, scratching their heads in disbelief at the list of the unusual phenomenon I would explain in great detail.

After years of all the layers being stripped away, I noticed the many stages of transformation I had entered. Some of them came and went, others intermingled, but each one built upon the other, and I soon realized that every new stage was another level of my undoing. Just when I thought I had adjusted to my new perception of life, another intense wave would come in and remind me I was still a student in this unforeseen situation.


Having no answers medically speaking, I took my health into my own hands. I started researching food and how to clean out the body. I found plant foods and immediately dove head first into diet as a possible way to help me. I became extremely passionate about natural foods, and wanted to learn healing through foods closest to nature. My body seemed to function much better on plant food, so that is the route I stayed on. I researched many avenues of health, implemented several of them, and eventually found what made me feel best. Although cleaner foods kept my physical system healthy, it certainly intensified the energy I felt coming in. The cleaner I ate, the more intensity I experienced.


Throughout these many years, my husband and I had four children. I often wonder how that was possible while going through such a challenging, lonely, and epic shift in my awareness. I spent much time with my kids at home, taking care of them, watching, and learning from them. I now realize their profound role in my own awakening process, for if it wasn’t for them, to keep me focused, grounded, and determined to be their mom, I may have checked out of the world completely and chosen a quiet existence outside of what is considered normal. For whatever reason, I was to remain normal, just like any of you, a wife and a mom, living an average life. Except, this one thing consuming my life was anything but average, it was transforming me to the core, and I knew it. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

It didn’t matter what anyone said, I knew, somewhere very deep within, that I was being pulled somewhere, and as much resistance as I projected, there was a knowing that this was leading me somewhere. As strange, as weird, as unconventional as it was, I trusted this strong inner guidance and went with it, even when it pulled me out of the world, I never wavered from this unknown Power permeating my being.

I entered periods where just walking out my front door was impossible, for the energy I was experiencing was too much to bear. My nervous system was adjusting to completely new frequencies. Eventually, I chose to isolate and stay out of the world, for my system was taking on an overwhelming amount of new information, information I previously had no awareness of. I remained in isolation at my home for many years, only going out when necessary, with the help of friends and family. As you can imagine, this took an incredible toll on my family and my marriage suffered greatly for a period of time.


It was during this time that I entered an entirely new world, the dark underworld of our minds. I was gifted the observer, who lay witness to the mind, and I became close personal friends with fear and sheer terror. I often would wake up in the morning, only to be greeted with a terror that I simply could not explain. It was just there. There was nothing threatening me in my physical space, however, there was something much Greater threatening my entire identity.

Fear and terror is not often discussed in great detail. Our minds have a strong tendency to cover up our inherent fear and stay distracted with the day to day duties of life. However, there is a treasure box within all of us, holding this fear, keeping it tucked away safely, where we cannot easily see it, let alone experience it to the fullest. This dark period was quite simply horrific, it was a nightmare, however, this was where I realized, in order to move on, I was being summonsed to meet the fear directly, to walk through it, in order to see clearly.

Learning to understand this fear, and completely let go, I eventually began a journey back into the world, a journey that is still unfolding to this day. My sight is transformed forever, I no longer experience the world as a separate individual self, but I feel it as a continuous flow of all things, that there is no boundary between us, no place I begin and end. It has taken years to physically adjust to the energy I feel. I now smile at my difficulties and trust this incredible Power that is everywhere. Although, I don’t wish my long struggle upon anyone, I wouldn’t change any of it, for it has opened my eyes, and allowed me the chance to live a different kind of life.


I intend to use my own journey to help others who find themselves on a path of undoing and self-discovery. No two paths are the same, however, we are all on the same path home. I have created LIVE LIKE EDEN to bring together all of the unraveling parts of transformation into one helpful place for others to find comfort. This is a place we can discuss the wonders of awakening and feel better knowing there are many others experiencing their own unique transformation into a greater consciousness. The Garden of Eden represents our deepest connection to who we really are. Most importantly it is our sacred space within that reminds us of our real home. Eden represents our spiritual roots. It is a place we can discover today, in our own personal lives, and deep within ourselves, that keeps us calm, centered, and at peace. In a world of never-ending disarray, I wish to offer a simple solution to others, that brings us back within ourselves, to our true nature.

have a listen

Join me for part 1 of 2 episodes where I explain my transformation journey and the unexpected stages I enter along the way.

Tune in for part 2 as I detail my experience of being pulled out of the world, deep into the underworld of the mind, eventually coming full circle, and reemerging back again.